Presentation at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain



First we would greatly appreciate your language editing in our manuscript, which has helped us a lot. And we have accepted every detail of the language editing done by you and your group. (from authors in Shanghai, PROC)


Me parece que este artículo esta perfecto y más claro; muy mejorado. -Dr Urbano Santana, Spain

This article seems to be perfect and much clearer; much improved.

Hemos corregido un poco el estudio de los TMD. El Prof. X de Boston comentó que estaba muy bien editado. Te felicitamos! El inglés es un arte!  – Dr Urbano Santana, Spain

We have corrected the TMD study a little.  Professor X in Boston commented that it was very well edited.  We congratulate you.  English is an art!

Creo que tu trabajo es excelente y no se puede valorar en dinero. Nunca nos habían comentado”bien escrito”.

Loosely translated as your work is beyond price and this is the first time anyone has said our article was well written!

A personal recommendation may be had by contacting

Carol Lefebvre DDS,
Medical College Of Georgia,
1120 15th St # Ad1114b,
Augusta, GA 30912 -0006



Former Director of a Spoken English Program

Omani Census Administration

Former Director of the American Language Program